Monday 27 January 2014

"Free to a bad home"

As a vet nurse, you work through a range of emotions on a daily basis. There are wonderful highs, and tear-jerking lows. We think we've seen it all before, but then we come across a case that takes our breath away.

Daisy arrived at a practice where one of my friends, a fellow vet nurse, works. She was found straying round a notorious area of Birmingham. She sits and gives paw and loves having her tummy tickled.  She's sweet and gentle, and was clearly a much loved pet at one point. But somewhere along her timeline, her fortune took a turn for the worse.

She's not a pretty sight now; her weeping open wounds cover her neck and face, she's covered from head to toe in scars from previous attacks, and her boobs are almost dragging along the floor from producing one litter after another.  This is all guess work, but the evidence is quite compelling.

Daisy was used as a money machine. She produced many puppies which took a toll on her body and her heart. Then, more recently, she's been used as a "bait dog". Bait dogs are used by the organisers of dog fighting events to wind up the attacking dogs and get them in the bloody thirsty mood. Bait dogs are usually quiet dogs that can be easily set upon by the others. If Daisy were wearing these scars and being highly aggressive, it would be safe to assume that she was a fighting dog.

But even now, after all she's been through, there's not an aggressive bone in her body.

Dog fights still go on undercover, much like puppy farming. So organisers prowl the internet and newspapers for cheap puppies or "free to a good home" advertisements. There's a wide range if reasons why people have to give their dogs, but if they ever witnessed the fighting ring their dog might potentially end up in, they would never part with their dog under any circumstances. There was an incident of a dog being purchased from Gumtree in 2012 and being murdered days later by the evil man who bought him (article here) so your pet could be unlucky enough to simply be adopted by a psychopath.

Please please, I beg everyone, everywhere, never sell or give your dog away over the internet or through the classifieds, you never know you'll be giving your dog to. There are numerous petitions and articles that seek a total ban of online pet sales, and I for one strongly support this. A brilliant new website: is doing a wonderful job of advertising dogs for re-homing/sale for and uses a network of volunteers around the country to perform home checks on those applying to buy/re-home any of the dogs - the PERFECT way to try and avoid your beloved pet ending up in heart breaking circumstances.

If you have been touched by Daisy's story, she's now looking for a home, her wounds still need time to heal, but many re-homing centers are full so she's being looked after by the kind vet and nurses at the practice.


  1. This is so sad. People need to get a grip.

    Theres a dog a couple of houses down that I want to steal because the owners always keep him outside in the cold and I can always hear him crying.

    I don't know why people think they have the right to misuse animals for dogfighting though.

    1. Please contact the rspca or a local rescue to get involved to help the dog Ani-aid would help they are in Coventry if your futher away please still contact them they may know someone near you, they are on fb and have a website xxx

    2. Please do not sit by and do nothing........ if we all did this, cruelty to animals would be even worse! If you do nothing - you are just as bad.

  2. I wrote to Gumtree and received this [useless] reply..... perhaps if more people wrote?????Hello,
    Thanks for your email.
    We understand and appreciate your concerns about ads in the pets for sale section.

    Our Pets category provides a way for people looking to re-home pets to connect with those looking to offer them loving homes. Every week thousands of animals are safely re-homed.

    In offering this category we have always kept the utmost focus on animal welfare. We have many measures in place to enforce our policies which prohibit irresponsible and harmful practices. These measures include: automated filtering technology that is constantly updated and at the moment undergoing a further major upgrade, a community reporting system to immediately alert us to issues and a dedicated Pets team manning these channels 365 days a year and taking swift action. We also constantly remind and educate everyone who uses the Pets category on responsible welfare practices across many points of the site with guidance from relevant external organisations.

    Unfortunately we know that there continue to be animal welfare issues across the UK. As the Gumtree site is used by more and more people in the UK we know we must not only continue our existing efforts to protect animals, but add even further scrutiny.

    We remain determined to ensure that everyone using the Pets category responsibly re-homes pets, and that the unscrupulous and irresponsible few are prohibited.


    Your comment:

    I am asking if you at Gumtree [and other free ad sites] can STOP accepting ads for 'free to good home' animal adverts. They are being used by people who use these ads to get dogs for dog fighting and puppy farms. Please take a look at this dog and do it for her;

    I am sure you are a responsible site and would not like to be adding to the cause of these animals cruelty


  3. Hello everyone

    Thank you for your supportive comments. Just to keep you updated. I had the pleasure of meeting Daisy the other day and her treatment is going well. She is being sheltered by one of the vers whilst she continues her treatment and whilst they use the appropriate avenues to find her a home or a place at a rescue centre. Please be assured she us in very caring and capable hands.

    Leigh x

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