Tuesday 18 March 2014

A nurse beyond borders

I remember the first time I came face to face with a moon bear. It made me cry. 8 years of hard work, all boiled down to them eyes. Eyes that looked deep into my soul and said "its okay, I'm here now". Fur so soft, movements so gentle, noises so soothing, it would be easy to forget that these bears could kill me if they wanted. And who would blame them?

Tuesday 11 March 2014

For the love of Bears!

I love veterinary nursing, a real advocate of the career! But when people ask me what made me want to become a vet nurse, the tale surprises and intrigues them. My path into veterinary nurses wasn't the expected path that most people take. In fact it was the opposite of what was expected, although I've always been an animal lover, my closed minded young brain saw the veterinary field as the enemy! Money grabbing, cold hearted, clinical people. I wanted nothing to do with it.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

A priceless gift that I highly recommend!

Veterinary nurses are a hardy breed. Our day ranges from cleaning up excrement (a lot), to watching anaesthetics for hours, to assisting clients in their happiest and saddest moments. We carry out blood tests, scale and polish teeth, monitor hospital patients, carry our nurse consults, welcome clients ate reception - you name it, we do it! It is often physically tiring and emotionally exhausting. We go through college and/or university to qualify. We work unsocial-able hours and tell inappropriate work stories at the dinner table. We earn not much over the minimum wage considering our professionalism. And 90% of us wouldn't choose to do anything else :) Veterinary nursing is a labour of love (There'll always be them 10% who are miserable buggars!)